I just arrived back from a vacation in France, where I visited some family in the South. It was nice to catch up with everyone and discuss what it is I am doing back in school. Whenever I mentioned digital asset management, the listener’s eyes would start glaze over. Consequently, I would find myself describing the need companies have of organising and making their rich media findable, accessible, and preservable. By the end of the trip I had my ten-second elevator pitch ‘down’. Regrettably DAM remains little known outside of information professional circles, which brings me to why proselytising is so important. Convincing others about the benefits of managing digital assets is key to getting people interested in DAM within a company. I also think that educating whomever you happen to be speaking with is a great idea. Not only will they be learning about an important new concept (important to corporations, non-profits, and government entities), but we will be advertising DAM as well. When the need arises in any business, isn’t it best that the solution to the problem can be named? Let’s start spreading the news!

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I’m Ian Matzen

Welcome to Tame Your Assets: a blog about digital asset management. I am a Senior Manager (Automation Programs) with a Master of Library and Information Science degree and experience working in higher education, marketing, and publishing. Before working in DAM I post-produced commercials, episodic television, and corporate videos. Recently I wrapped up an automation project for Coca-Cola.

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